Posts tagged Gulf Shores Carpet Cleaner
Keep Your Carpet & Rugs Looking New

A new rug or carpet aren't small investments and we know you'd like to keep them looking their best between regular professional cleanings. Here are a few tips to keep your carpet and rugs looking their best. 

  1. You get what you pay for. Start out by selecting a high quality nylon fiber and premium carpet pad. These will last much longer and stand up to wear better than cheaper quality products. 
  2. Vacuum regularly. It is recommended that you vacuum high traffic areas at least twice a week and other areas at least weekly. 
  3. Start with a clean bag or filter. When your bag or filter is dirty, your vacuum can lose up to half of its suction power. 
  4. Vacuum at the right speed. It sounds easy enough, right? But it is important to go slow and pass over high traffic areas at least 2 times to ensure that you trap all the dirt.  
  5. Use entry mats. Place mats at every entrance to your new carpet or rug. You can knock off excess dirt before tracking it onto your carpet. 
  6. Remove shoes. Even better - remove shoes before walking on carpet. Or have shoes that never go outside. 
  7. Have your carpet and rugs professionally cleaned yearly. 

With these simple tips, you can extend the life of your new carpet and rugs.